Sanda Grudić Kvasić, PhD is a lecturer at PAR University College in Rijeka where she teaches management courses. Sanda has written over 15 scientific articles, presented papers at international scientific conferences and participated in regional scientific meetings of management departments. Her current research interests focus on leadership and positive organizational behaviour. Sanda is also the institutional Erasmus+ coordinator and the Head of the PAR International Office.
Darija Turković is currently working as a Project Associate in the International Office at PAR University College in Rijeka. She obtained the TEFL certificate as a part of her Erasmus+ Internship in Valencia, Spain and worked as an assistant in the Department of English at University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland as a part of her Erasmus+ Internship. Darija holds a double major degree in English and Croatian Language and Literature from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka.