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Inclusive education pilot phase comes to an end: First Positive Results!

Over the course of the last few months, the SIDiT methodology for supporting inclusion and diversity in teaching has been successfully implemented in two different schools where more than 100 students across five classes took part in the pilot phase lessons. The lessons, all undertaken at primary level, included topics such as identity, culture, religion and social justice.

Evaluating the pilot

To see the results of the pilot phase, and to ensure the best possible results as a wider initiative is later launched, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has undertaken an evaluation of this initial phase. For the purposes of the study, both students and teachers involved in the pilot were asked to provide answer to qualitative and quantitative questions, before and after lessons, and shared insights on the outcomes of the lessons and on the applicability of the methodology.

The following evaluation results give a brief insight into how students were able to develop their competences, the inclusivity of the classrooms, and foreign language lessons.

Positive results

The SIDiT methodology has proven to have had significant impact on both students and teachers.

Based on the pilot phase, 80% of teachers and 79% of students who took part would like to participate in the SIDiT project again next year.

Student participants highlighted an increased ability to interact and communicate with their peers, while simultaneously developing their skills and enhancing their self-confidence. This is especially important as it is one of the key impacts SIDiT aims to achieve with the project and methodology.

80% of the students stated that they enjoyed SIDiT lessons very much.

Students praised especially the inclusive approach of the SIDiT lessons.

An overwhelming majority of 91% of students remarked that they especially enjoyed working together with their classmates.

With regards to the teachers, SIDiT made their classes more interesting and enjoyable, strengthened their profiles by the acquisition of a new teaching methodology and also enhanced their skills.

The main takeaway was being able to strengthen their profiles as educators by allowing them to produce inclusive activities for students of all backgrounds.

The SIDiT Project team is delighted to see such positive results from this initial pilot phase, most importantly of all hearing the positive impact that young learners have experienced thanks to their participation in their learning environments with this new methodology. European schools are increasingly diverse, by instilling the confidence to communicate and collaborate with all those around you, no matter their background, young learners will have the capacity to develop skills – and friendships – for life.

We hope to bring the methodology to more classrooms across our partner countries, and perhaps even beyond, in 2022.


Thank you to Unescoschool and Toverfluit primary schools, both of Brussels, Belgium, for taking part in the SIDiT pilot phase.

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